Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Harpers Bazar As A Fashion Illustration Essay - 1001 Words

My chosen illustration for this image analysis is a fashion illustration from the 20th century called La Cage Improvisà ©e. It was used as the cover for the July 1922 magazine publication of Harper’s Bazar. The cover illustration was accompanied by the title, the year of the publication, and the price of the magazine. â€Å"Bazar assembles photographers, designers, artists and writers to deliver perspectives into the world of fashion and popular culture on a monthly basis† (Georgievska 1). At the beginning of the 20th century Harper’s Bazar published a variety of different columns, from instructional columns on how to tie a bow to pieces on social life. Harper’s Bazar is published by Hearst Magazine Corporation, and is one of oldest and most†¦show more content†¦The reader is able to see part of the garment that is being worn, but the illustration doesn’t inform the viewer about how or when to wear such a garment. â€Å"In his illustratio ns, Ertà © shows the popular gowns and accessories of the season. Although his illustrations are mostly flat and lack detail, the drawings themselves are striking evocations of the temptress type of feminine allure, and are works of art in their own right whose exotic styles are inseparable from the style of the fashions they depict† (Blum 68). The La Cage Improvisà ©e was an example of a highly stylized design of two sinuous women wearing dresses inspired by the stories of Arabian Nights. The dresses are depicted from the side to highlight and exaggerate the fullness of the skirt. The colour, setting and styling of the illustration indicate that the dresses were evening dresses. Evening dresses were typically made of very fine materials, such as silk, chiffon or taffeta. They were often sleeveless or had short sleeves, and featured a waist with layers of fabric to create fullness in the skirt. The hair was often accessorized with a hat or a headband. The classic hat of the 1920s was the cloche hat. Other common styles were the wrapped turban, the straw summer hat and a variety of different headbands. Hats displayed fewer decorations than previously seen but they were still very expressive with either a bow or an art deco shape. Beaded dresses were also very

A Lesson Before Dying Essay Example For Students

A Lesson Before Dying Essay A Lesson Before Dying Essay I thought that the book A Lesson Before Dying was all right overall. I think Ernest Gaines did a good job with the plot but the idea of the book was not to interesting to me. A book about a black man becoming a man on his way to the electric chair is a very dull plot to me. I give Gaines credit for making the book semi-interesting even though the plot was terrible. Personally after reading Things Fall Apart and Song of Solomon I was looking for a little more action in this book. Those two books were ten times better than A Lesson Before Dying so I can say that I was probably expecting too much. A Lesson Before Dying has a superb depiction of the theme you cant judge a book by its cover. Grant went to help Jefferson with a notion that Jefferson was sewer trash and he would not learn anything from this situation. In the end Grant was wrong because he learned a lot from his short relationship with Jefferson. Grant had certain feelings for Jefferson he never had for a man before. They became real close friends and talked about a lot of things. I really like how they portrayed this theme throughout the book. In the book each character had their own characteristics and personality. There was something special about each character in the book. Each of them had their strong points and weak points for example Grant was always running away from his problems. There were a lot of things in his life that he could not handle and he just wanted to run away. He didnt know what to do about Jefferson at first and wondered why he had to teach him. He didnt really know how to handle his job as teacher in the Quarter. He couldnt make his mind up about God so he just decided to leave it alone. Aunt Emma was a very strong character in the book. She would do almost anything to help Jefferson before he died. She begged to the Guidrys on several occasion to help Jefferson feel more comfortable while he was in jail. She begged Grant for his help even though Grant did not want to help Jefferson. She got Mose Ambrose and Grant to finally work together to help Jefferson instead of always arguing. There were many strong characters in the book but there were also weak ones. This individuality of each character made the book very interesting because you could watch how each characters personality would clash with the others. There were also some parts of A Lesson Before Dying that I did not like. They should have had more background on each of the characters. I never figured out where Tante Lou knew Aunt Emma from or where Grant met Vivian. These things are not necessary but they add to the story. I also think they could have gone into more detail about Grant and Lous relationship. I wanted to know what happened to Grants parents and just how close were they. There is a lot of background information in the book that remains a mystery to me. Overall I thought A Lesson Before Dying was an all right book. It reminded me how my people were treated in America during the late 1940s. It was a realistic story that might have happened to anyone caught in that situation at that time period. The book made me think about how hard my people fought for me to get where I am now. Jefferson had to stand like a man for the whole town not just himself. He had to rebuke the notion that black people were hogs by becoming a man again and showing that to the community. He died with dignity and pride like a man should. For these reasons I have stated here and above I believe A Lesson Before Dying was an above average book. Harryhausen Essay The whole process of Mr. Wiggins development and the plot of this story both spawn from the crimes of two characters with no other relevance to the story. After the police found Jefferson at the liquor store with the dead bodies all around, he was of course taken to trial and the times being what they were, he was convicted with very little doubt that he would be found innocent. Miss Emma, his godmother was afraid that he would die a hog and have lived a meaningless life. She wanted him Not to crawl to the white man, but .