Thursday, November 28, 2019

Skill development for young workers in Australia

Skill Development is an employment program that provides monetary support to qualified people, to help them acquire the skills training they require to go into the labor market. The program also offers financial support to suitable people who require skills development to get employment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skill development for young workers in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many problems and challenges that arise from this issue. For instance the working conditions of young workers pose a serious problem. Lack of training, harassment and lack of relaxing hours are problems being faced by numerous young workers all over the world. In Australia, the Australian Labor Party and the Australian council of Trade Unions say that the young workers get a â€Å"raw contract.† The skill development for young workers in Australia is an issue that has caught the attention of many peop le. Shadow Minister for Employment and Training, Anthony Albanese, claims that young workers are exploited and used as cheap labor. He continues to say that the Federal Government has failed to act against employers who swindle young workers. The skills development for Australian industry and young workers is one of the most serious issues facing the nation today (Ross 2002, p. 68). The Australian Council of Trade Unions compliance to the existing Senate Inquiry into present and future skills needs highlights the fundamental role that skill development plays to the community and the economy. There are problems with the outcomes and the quality of training delivery. Training delivery is not at all times integrated with the industry needs, the skills development and the employment outcomes. Numerous young workers are disenfranchised from training and education and as a result they are experiencing marginalization in the labor-market. The needs of young workers for skills development a nd training are also not being addressed efficiently. In the year 2001, only 80% of young workers in Australia attained a Year 12 or VET qualification. The relatively low level of skill development limits the chances of many young workers in Australia for economic independence and robs industry of inestimable abilities. Australia needs to increase its skill development effort for the existing young workers. Numerous industries have low levels of skills development expenditure.The Australian Council of Trade Unions recommends that at least $350 million should to be allocated to a new workplace-based skill development fund that is more suitable for training existing young workers (Stinson 2005, p. 127).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This financial support is supposed to be applied in contracted target areas, including skill scarcities, upcoming and growth areas and organizat ions with low-rates of structured training. Often, young people report problems at their place of work including, lack of information regarding terms and conditions of employment, bullying, maltreatment and sexual harassment. Skill development for young workers in Australia is crucial because young workers should acquire new skills due to the changing workplace and also to meet the requirements for the new and growing industries (Stinson 2005, p. 57). Employers ought to be committed to establish skill development in their workforce and contribute substantially to the expenditure of structured workforce training. Skill development is valuable for young workers: they acquire the needed confidence to carry out their duties. The government has come up with strategies in addressing this issue. For example, the New Apprenticeship project is offering opportunities for young workers to obtain skills training and development because the workplace is changing and the industries are growing. T he government has also come up with laws that young workers in Australia against bullying, sexual harassment and maltreatment. The employers are required to contribute significantly to the skill development costs and establish effective skill development projects (Stinson 2005, p. 97). Young workers are experiencing marginalization in the labor-market due to lack of inadequate skills training and development. The government is establishing structured training which ought to be undertaken in line with a contracted workplace training plan. The ACTU proposes to implement a program with training representatives to encourage union members to undertake learning and training and to help young workers with learning difficulties by endorsing fundamental skills programs in the work-place. The government is also raising awareness among young workers about the benefits of structured industry training and skill development (Stinson 2005, p. 67). This is being done through promoting negation betw een young workers and employers for the execution of workplace skill development plans, including mechanisms that enable appropriate account of the recognition of existing competencies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skill development for young workers in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government has also established an association between employees and bodies like industry advisory bodies and registered training agencies to support structured training and skill development at the workplace and enable young workers to participate effectually within workplace appraisals and skills, to develop and negotiate skills development plans and undertake workplace evaluation. In 2011, the government of Australia came up with strategies to assist existing young workers to acquire skill development and career opportunities through acknowledgment of their existing skills and advancing their skills base (Stins on 2005, p. 45). They also ensured accessibility of quality nationally recognized skills training and qualifications for all young workers. The government has established many employment agencies to address the issue of skill development for young workers in Australia because the future of rising industries depends on it. It has ensured increased support for young workers with disabilities in traineeships and apprenticeships. It has also increased the participation of Indigenous young people in the labor-market. The greatest objective of the government is to fund the skill development programs in the country so that young workers can obtain skills training. Without adequate financial support, it is difficult to execute the structured skill training plans (Richardson 2000, p. 231). Even though the government has initiated different strategies to improve the issue concerning skill development, there are areas that require substantial attention. For example, there are problems when it comes to the quality of skills training delivery and end results. Training delivery is not responsive to industry needs, work outcomes and skills development. As a result, the industries in Australia are continuing to experience skills shortages and retention difficulties. Quality training focusing on skills development ought to commence. Training should focus on developing the skills of young workers. The government of Australia needs to increase its training effort in skill development for the current workforce. Numerous industries in the country have low levels of training expenses (Price 2011, p. 356). Only two in ten employers are presently training to address skills shortages. Skills development for young people is very imperative because it is the future for the industries and the economy of Australia. Young people should be conversant with what is going on in the existing industries because the workplace is changing. Skill development for young workers is a critical issue fa cing Australia. Many young people need to be trained so that they can take part in developing the industries and the economy of their country.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Young workers are facing discrimination and bullying in the place of work and many employers have turned into swindlers. Many young workers are not economically independent because they do not have the required training. This is as a result depriving industries of valuable skills. There ought to be vocational training and effective work-based learning. Increase in skills training effort is also needed for the existing young laborforce. Priority ought to be given to mutual planning covering industry sectors in areas of young workers hire, contracts and regular employment (Hunt 2005, p. 97). The government of Australia is dedicated to ensuring that young workers are taking part in making decisions that have an effect on their lives. The youth action plan outlines the significance of ensuring the contribution of young workers in decision making and delivering quality services (Jimenez 2006, p. 123). Skill development agencies ought to come up with ways that attracts and retains young w orkers to facilitate laborforce sustainability and ensure that the services of the government are receptive to the needs of young workers. The government has recognized young workers’ rights to contribute in the growth of skill development programs, policies and services. The government is building on young workers’ knowledge and skills, recognizing their diversity, their backgrounds and their situations. The government plan is to ensure that young workers’ skills are well-developed and they are effectually utilized in the workforce (Ross 2002, p. 45). The office of youth in Australia has worked with young workers to develop an account that focuses on training, skill development and mobility. The government agencies target on improving the situation of young workers in Australia and promoting the employment benefits in the public sector. The agencies are also identifying young workers in Australia; they give them an opportunity to develop their skills. Reference s Jimenez, E 2006, Australia reconstructed: ACTU/TDC Mission to Western Europe, Australian Govt. Pub. Service, Hobart. Hunt, I 2005, The New Industrial Relations in Australia, Federation Press, Melbourne. Price, R 2011, Young People and Work, Ashgate Publishing, Canberra. Ross, L 2002, Works Councils in Australia: Future Prospects and Possibilities, Federation Press, New Castle. Richardson, S 2000, Reshaping the Labour Market: Regulation, Efficiency and Equality in Australia, Cambridge University Press, New Castle. Stinson, R 2005, Job Prospects Australia, Yorkcross Pty Ltd, Darwin. This essay on Skill development for young workers in Australia was written and submitted by user Konnor Mclaughlin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Causes of Visual Impairment in Essays

Causes of Visual Impairment in Essays Causes of Visual Impairment in Essay Causes of Visual Impairment in Essay Increasingly, cataract has been identified as the leading cause of blindness globally. No data on the causes of visual impairment in Central Region is available. Objectives The objective of the study is to examine the causes of visual impairment in Central Region of Ghana and to provide baseline information for planning eye care services in the region. Methods A retrospective study using hospital records of patients visiting three eye clinics between June 2005 and June 2006 were reviewed for the study. Results The records of 1,016 patients were reviewed. The study shows that cataract was the leading cause of blindness in Central Region accounting for 42. 5%. This was followed by refractive error (29. 2%) and glaucoma (7. 2%). Conclusion Appropriate programs directed at providing cataract surgery and refractive error services will significantly reduce the burden of visual impairment in Central Region since both cataract and refractive errors are responsible for 71. 7% of the causes of visual impairment. INTRODUCTION Globally, visual impairment represents a significant public health problem. This is both from the point of view of the suffering it imposes on the individual, family as well as the government in terms of economic cost. Smith and Smith have estimated that the annual worldwide productivity cost of blindness was $168 billion1. Recently, it has been estimated that over $102 billion would be saved globally if the Vision 2020 initiative is successfully implemented2. Current data suggests that there are over 161 million people who are visually impaired.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cadbury Schweppes Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Cadbury Schweppes Management - Case Study Example In these days, cocoa beans were being imported from south and Central America and West Indies. In fact the cocoa beans had so much value and were expensive. It could only be afforded with the wealthy and elite people of the society then. Experimenting with his pestle and mortar, John Cadbury produced a range of cocoa and chocolate drinks with the latter having sugar (Cadbury, 2008). In 1861, John Cadbury the founder handed over the business to his eldest sons Richard and George. It is to their leadership that the success of the Cadbury Brothers limited is owed. In 1899 the business became a private limited company and was branded Cadbury brothers Limited. The growth of the business led to invention of the chocolate bars which were now spiced up with milk The first milk chocolate that was ever made was course, dry and neither sweet nor milky enough for the public taste. At the same time, there was great competition from other continental manufactures of chocolate which led to the need of the Cadbury Company to launch other tastes and variety of chocolates one of them being dairy maid which later became dairy milk and finally evolved to be branded Cadbury dairy milk, which has a unique flavor and smooth. Cadbury Brothers limited later merged with Schweppes Inc in 1969 to form Cadbury Schweppes plc which is a confectionery and Beverage Company that processes non alcoholic beverage. It has an employee base of approximately 59000. Cadbury Schweppes Plc currently has its headquarters in Berkeley Square, London which is in England in United Kingdom. Cadbury Schweppes plc is principally involved in the manufacture, distribution and sale of branded beverages and confectionery, in addition to other related foods. It supplies its products through wholesale and retail outlets of the confectionery which are licensed and registered by the state in which they are located. Cadbury Schweppes plc trades in almost all the countries that are available worldwide because contemporary knowledge, it is one of the leading chocolate producers world wide. Cadbury Schweppes plc markets a range of chocolates, gum and sugar confectionery brands worldwide. These brands are in the form of bars, blocks, bagged pr oducts, packets, rolls, boxed assortments, chocolate eggs and novelties (Cadbury, 2008). There are various myths which have been propagated about management which are supposed to help organizations increase their earnings. Myths in the business arena usually come up as managers try to find ways to survive in the business world which is usually full of challenges and uncertainty. They provide some kind of hope as they provide something that managers can hold onto as they run their businesses. These myths usually influence the way companies make decisions and the way management run firms as much as the strategies have not been proved to be true. These myths help managers come up with a set of policies or strategies that they employ in order to help their organizations achieve certain objectives. Some of these myths according to Foss (2006) include the fact that it is harder to acquire a competitive edge if a company uses outside resources or resources it has purchased instead of using internally produced resources. The root cause of this misunderstanding cropped up from Co ol and Barney argument that only resources that cannot be sold by the company are considered to be valuable. Cadburys has not